Gagosian Secure Enterprise Filesharing Migration
NAS and VPN >>> Enterprise Cloud Filesharing
The Challenge
Gagosian, a global network of art galleries specializing in modern and contemporary art with nineteen exhibition spaces across the globe was struggling with aging filesharing infrastructure. A combination of aging fileservers, NAS devices, VPN connections and data silos was proving troublesome.
The Solution
Gagosian came to Synergy for advice for their filesharing situation. With aging infrastructure in multiple locations around the world they needed a solution fast. Having so much industry experience and success with a product we favour, we provided a demonstration to the Gagosian IT team and with their approval set about negotiating with the supplier on the purchase and implementation. Gagosian IT installed the solution themselves while Synergy provided help and support where needed with the product and with integrations with Gagosian’s other systems.